Do You Know How H. Pylori is Diagnosed and Treated?

H. pylori is a certain kind of bacteria that leads to gastritis and peptic ulcers if left untreated. Mostly, H. pylori infection occurs in children, but only a few have symptoms. These symptoms include burning stomach pain, unintended weight loss, and bloody vomit. If you experience any of these, you have to consult a doctor immediately. H. pylori infection is more common in developing countries due to poor hygiene standards. When and why people get infected with H. pylori stomach bacteria is still unknown to scientists.


Nowadays, there are several treatments and procedures to determine whether you are infected with H. pylori. If you want to detect traces of H. pylori in your body, testing is the ultimate option. After the H. pylori treatment procedure, repeat testing needs to be conducted to ensure that it’s gone. In most cases, the tests are performed through a breath test, using a stool sample, and an upper endoscopy exam.

Stool tests

  • Stool antigen test: Being the most common stool test used to detect H. pylori, the test looks for proteins associated with H. pylori infection in the stool.
  • Stool PCR test: A stool polymerase chain reaction test is conducted to detect the presence of H. pylori infection in the stool. One of the significant benefits of conducting this test is that it can detect mutations that can be resistant to antibiotics used to cure H. pylori. Hence, it facilitates the process of treatment of H. pylori.

Breath test

It is also termed a urea breath test. During this test, you swallow a pill or liquid that comprises tagged carbon molecules. If H. pylori bacterium is present in your body, carbon is released when the liquid/pill comes in contact with H. pylori in your stomach.

Scope test

A medical practitioner may conduct a scope test commonly known as an upper endoscopy exam. The doctor will perform this test to detect symptoms that may be caused due to medical conditions like gastritis or peptic ulcer. Since this test is more invasive in nature, it’s typically conducted to assess other digestive problems along with H. pylori stomach bacteria. Healthcare providers may also use this test to identify which antibiotic will be the best to cure H. pylori, considering if the first set of antibiotics didn’t get rid of the infection.


Generally, H. pylori infections are treated with two different antibiotics at the same time. It prevents the bacteria from building a resistance to one specific antibiotic. The H. pylori treatment may also encompass medications like:

  • Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs): These drugs reduce the production of acid in the stomach. Some popular examples of PPIs include omeprazole, esomeprazole, and pantoprazole.
  • Bismuth subsalicylate: Popularly known by the brand name Pepto-Bismol, this drug functions by coating the ulcer while protecting it from stomach acid.
  • Histamine (H-2) blockers: These medicines block a substance termed histamine that triggers acid production. H-2 blockers are prescribed for H. pylori infection if PPIs can’t be used. A prime example of histamine blockers is cimetidine.

Most individuals who are infected with H. pylori stomach bacteria show little to no symptoms. But yes, there are exceptions. If the symptoms are severe, you should consult a medical practitioner instantly. He can give you the necessary suggestions and the tests you need to undertake to determine the presence of H. pylori in your stomach. He will also prescribe medicines that will make you feel better over time.

Treating the Dyspepsia Indigestion in a Natural Way

Dyspepsia can be simply termed as indigestion or an upset stomach. If H. Pylori bacteria is the cause, it is better to supplement the treatment with PYLO-X as this will keep the infection from recurring.

Gastrointestinal disorders are one of the most common complaints that make people visit a physician. More and more people complain of bloating, belching, gas, acidity, burning in the stomach or upper abdomen, pain in the abdomen, heartburn and other such symptoms.

The uncomfortable sensations may simply stem from overeating or eating heavy food. Or it may hint at a serious ailment like stomach ulcers, gallstones, gallbladder disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or even stomach cancer. When all these disorders have been ruled out, it could simply be a case of indigestion, also termed as dyspepsia.

Indeed, dyspepsia is related to the upper gastrointestinal tract and causes prolonged discomfort in the upper abdomen. It afflicts almost 25% of the western world every year. What’s more, dyspepsia is often accompanied by irritable bowel syndrome as well.

Understanding the indigestion called dyspepsia

The symptoms of dyspepsia usually manifest after eating too quickly or eating a heavy meal. However, people with severe dyspepsia often have these complaints even after a normal meal and may even feel satiated without eating sufficient food. They may also experience nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite or weight loss.

The problem with dyspepsia treatment is that it is difficult to diagnose and treat. Physicians usually associate dyspepsia with a tendency to eat too much or too fast, drinking too much alcohol, excessive smoking, obesity and even stress, anxiety and fatigue. Or it may be related to infection with the Helicobacter pylori bacteria.

Indeed, the H. pylori germs can enter the body and live in the digestive tract, leading to ulcers in the stomach lining or the upper part of the small intestine. With time, the ulcers can start bleeding and cause infections or even prevent food from moving through the digestive tract. Left untreated for too long, it can even develop into stomach cancer.

Treating dyspepsia

Unfortunately, there is no permanent treatment for indigestion. The physicians can at best help manage the symptoms and keep them at bay.

For mild and infrequent indigestion, doctors usually recommend lifestyle changes like eating small meals, eating slowly, avoiding heavy foods and losing weight or maintaining moderate weight. It is also advisable to limit the intake of caffeine, soda, alcohol and quit smoking. For more severe cases, medications like antacids, proton pump inhibitors and histamine blockers are prescribed.


In case, the dyspepsia is caused due to H. pylori infection, the doctor will prescribe an antibiotic for dyspepsia treatment. Along with this, you can also try the food supplement called PYLO-X ( This contains a special L-Reuteri patented strain called Pylopass that has been scientifically tested to help manage the presence of H. pylori in the stomach.

What’s more, the H. pylori infection has a tendency to reappear, and continuing the PYLO-X treatment will prevent the recurrence. So, isn’t it better to imbibe this safe food supplement rather than having to take one course of antibiotics after another?

Complication of Untreated Peptic Ulcer Disease

Peptic ulcer may not always show its severe symptoms in the early stages. But, if ignored, severe complications can arise that may even lead to fatalities in worst cases. Choosing a natural cure with lifestyle changes will bring a difference to this condition. Read to find out the most common causes of peptic ulcer disease.

Open sores that develop in the inner lining of the stomach and intestine (called gastric and duodenal ulcers) are together referred to as peptic ulcer disease. The symptoms are obvious and generally starts with stomach pain and a burning sensation at the center of the stomach. However, not everyone faces this gnawing pain, and some might just experience regular indigestion, feeling of weakness with nausea and heartburn. If any of these symptoms seem to be surfacing, then you should seek help from a medical advisor.

Blood vomiting

If you ignore these first signs and leave the complaint untreated or unattended, thinking that it will get better with time, you steadily move into the second stage. There, you could face complications like blood vomiting or coughing out dark brown coffee-like substance. You stool too would appear dark brown and would be sticky and tarlike. This would be followed by acute pain in the stomach that would worsen with complications like internal bleeding that would make your condition severe.

Internal bleeding leading to Anemia

Bleeding inside the stomach may also be slow and continuous over a long-time resulting in anemia. You will feel tired, short of breath especially while climbing even short flight of stairs. A pale pallor will develop and after tests, your physician will recommend the treatment of peptic ulcer.

Perforation in the stomach lining

The other complication that may occur under rarest and the severest cases is perforation. The stomach lining splits open leaving a gaping hole. The bacteria that live on the stomach lining pass out and infect the abdominal lining. This situation is called Peritonitis. The infections run into the blood causing sepsis and can spread to the other organs causing multiple organ failure that proves to be fatal.


An obstruction in the normal food passage may be experienced owing to a bruised stomach ulcer that gets inflamed and blocks the digestive system. This condition is termed as outlet obstruction. The symptoms are repeated vomiting, continuous feeling of fullness, feeling full even after consuming small portions, loss of body weight. Surgery is generally required. The obstruction can be dilated with balloons or expandable metallic stents.

What causes stomach ulcer

An infection from H-Pylori or taking steroid drugs like ibuprofen or aspirin in high dose and over a long period of time or having too many antacids can cause stomach ulcers. The peptic ulcer disease can affect anyone belonging to any age, but men over 60 years are seen to develop more gastric ulcer than women. An endoscopy is the best way to determine such conditions.


In most cases, it has been noticed that medicines do not have the required cure for peptic ulcer. Relying on corrective and regular food and also on the natural cure will help you overcome the pains of peptic ulcer disease at an early stage. Pylo-X has been recognized by experts as having Pylopass that benefits patients infected with peptic ulcer. A soft gel formula containing vitamin E that heals the wounds inside the stomach and intestine and is also lethal against H Pylori bacteria. If you are looking for a complete resolution from the problem contact, the experts today.

Effective Food Rich in L Reuteri

The most essential bacterium in curing the stomach of H. Pylori is lactobacillus reuteri. They are richly found in many food types. Taking these foods regularly can help you reduce the dangerous effects of H. Pylori. Don’t forget to include a daily dose of probiotic-rich natural solutions to rid yourself of this hazardous bacterium.

The gut is as important to your body as the brain. It contains some 100 million neurons which monitor your digestion. Your mental health and physical health are directly related. Unless you feel well when you wake up in the morning, how can you think properly? The basic trick is to eat well and help your gut with lactobacillus reuteri friendly food to avoid or combat diseases like a stomach ulcer.

Lactobacillus reuteri

L reuteri is an important strain of bacteria that has the capacity of living inside the stomach or the intestine. This has proved to be an effective defense against H. pylori, a bacterium that causes immeasurable damage to the stomach and intestinal wall and can lead to severe infections from a stomach ulcer to stomach cancer. ‘Polypass’, which is rich in L reuteri, is used to destroy the H pylori, and eliminate it from the stomach. ‘Polypass’, is easily available is Pylo-X, Vitamin E enriched capsules. Here is a list of food rich in probiotics that you could include in your diet for a healthier lifestyle.


A food commonly found in Eastern Europe and Southwest Asia, Kafir is taken after meals and is greatly popular in Turkey, where it is called keyif, which translated to feeling good. The food is rich in probiotics and greatly helps in digestion and gastro health. This is ideal for aiding the digestion of lactose and also improves the body immunity. It is basically a fermented goat or cow milk. How to make it at home? Add starter kit of yeast and lactic acid bacteria kefir grains to the milk. Let it stay for 24 hours undisturbed. Allow the sugar in the milk to ferment and have it after 24 hrs. The food is a great source of both protein and calcium. Include in your daily diet. Sauerkraut, and yoghurt are also very effective.


No, I am not talking about the oily Indian pickles, though they too have their secret benefits. We will discuss that on a later date. But try making this at home. Buy fresh cucumbers and wash, dry and cut them in long vertical slices. Prepare a salt solution and let them ferment for a period. You could keep them in the sun if you like. This is a rich source of probiotics, low in calories and easy to digest. Rich in vitamin K, helping the body to clot blood, Vitamin C, B5 high on magnesium, potassium, and manganese. Do not add vinegar to the mixture.


Ah, the traditional buttermilk full of goodness and taste. Only the traditional buttermilk, however, is full of probiotics. The leftover liquid that comes after churning the butter out of cultured cream. Separate the milk from the cream by skimming and allow the lactic acid to be produced, naturally fermenting the milk. This is high on probiotics. This is very effective against colon cancer and also known to decrease blood pressure.


The list of food that helps produce probiotic is many. These three are great to start with. I do understand the extra work it adds to your daily chores. But given their benefits, I would advise that you try finding some time from your schedule and make these arrangements. Meanwhile don’t miss out on Poly-X as a regular treatment against H. pylori. You can procure the capsule from This is the next most natural way of finding a sure and steady cure.

Effective Treatment of Chronic Gastritis

Helicobacter pylori or H. pylori is responsible for causing chronic gastritis. Natural treatment is preferable to medicinal and therefore it is generally recommended to follow a natural and corrective lifestyle-related treatment to relieve yourself from chronic gastritis caused by H. pylori.

What causes chronic gastritis

Chronic gastritis is caused by a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori or H. pylori. H Pylori is found inside the stomach lining and begins to erode the stomach lining causing peptic ulcer and other gastric diseases. A breath test is the only way to detect the existence of H. pylori. This bacterium increases in the acidic reaction inside the stomach damaging the stomach lining by gradually eroding it. The only remedy for chronic gastritis treatment is through natural procedures and corrective lifestyle.

It has been scientifically proven that there is no effective, safe, antibiotic treatment for H. pylori. Chronic gastritis generally occurs from a very young age where the symptoms of H Pylori are somewhat undetected, and the person forms a subdued antibody against the bacteria.

chronic gastritis treatment

Short term pacifiers

Long term use of medication that blocks the acid production within the stomach lining can have associated effects on bone density causing calcium deficiency and high risk of fractures in the wrist, spine and hip. Antacids may provide momentary relief by neutralizing the stomach acid, but the side effects can cause constipation, diarrhea and other associated problems.

Natural treatment

The only way to cure chronic gastritis is by natural treatment. PYLO-X is a food supplement that contains l-Reuteri Potanted strain called Pylopass which has proved valuable in the treatment of H pylori. This contains vitamin E which helps in curing ulcers and effectively eradicating H. Pylori from the stomach.

Experiments conducted by scientists have shown how Lactobacillus reuteri suppresses the effect of H. Pylori in the gastrointestinal tract. It neutralises the effect of the bacteria and helps to regulate the acidic reaction within the stomach. It also gradually removes H. pylori bacteria and brings the stomach back to its old health.

Its effectiveness

In developing countries, it has been seen that children suffer from H pylori infection from a very young age. It becomes extremely difficult to cure such a condition. This is termed as a chronic gastric disease. With a treatment of PYLO-X this condition can be reversed and gradually the stomach health can be restored.

PYLO-X is a food supplement that has added vitamin E, which has antioxidant properties. It nullifies the effect of gastric ulcer and promotes the healing of ethanol-induced gastric lesions.

A combination of ranitidine and palm vitamin E heals H. Pylori effectively. Studies have indicated that probiotics can be used for the treatment of gastric ulcer and the administration of Lactobacillus ranitidine accelerated ulcer healing.


A recommended dose of 1 capsule by mouth twice a day morning and evening depending on the severity of the disease can successfully heal the stomach condition, inflamed by H.Pylori. PYLO-X is available online and you can contact for free consultation along with the medicine.

Is Helicobacter Pylori disease a cause of Gastric cancer?

The helicobacter disease is caused by a bacterium that sticks to the inner layer of the stomach and damages it. In some cases, it may also lead to gastric cancer, when left untreated. Here’s more about this.

Helicobacter pylori disease is a disease that affects the gastro-intestinal system of the human body. It is a kind of bacterium that grows in the mucus layer, which coats the inside of the human stomach. Well, this infection is known to exist in two-third of the world’s population. However, a majority of them develop it in childhood, without the presence of any signs or symptoms. Although it is not the cause of illnesses in most people, it poses the risk of developing peptic ulcers in about ten to fifteen per cent of infected people.

Moreover, infection lasting for decades without appropriate treatment can also lead to the development of gastric cancer. Conversely, treatment to eradicate the disease through appropriate medication is capable of reducing the chances of developing gastric cancer.

The Growth

So, here’s exactly how this bacterium causes gastric cancer.

As mentioned above, the helicobacter pylori affect people in childhood. Long term infection in the stomach sometimes leads to formation of stomach ulcers. In fact, the presence of stomach infection in the long term can also cause inflammation and damage the inner layer of the stomach. Such changes in the stomach eventually lead to the development of cancer in the stomach, especially the lower part. Well, all people infected not suffer with cancer. In fact, scientists are clueless about why the bacterium acts differently in different bodies. In fact, it lies in the stomach of many people, without posing the threat of cancer. It is even known to reduce the probability of the occurrence of many other types of cancer. However, the role of the virus in prevention of other cancer remains unknown. Certain other factors also play a role in the development of gastric cancer. Consumption of nitrites, which are commonly found in curated meats, contaminated food and water and certain vegetables are known to convert into compounds by the bacterium. These compounds eventually become the cause of stomach cancer.

Well, the good news is that H. pylori diseases can be treated with appropriate antibiotics and medicines. So, people observing symptoms must get themselves tested before the disease takes a magnificent form. In fact, people with a genetic history of ulcers or gastric cancer must also be tested for the Helicobacter pylori disease. Moreover, people treated for stomach cancer must also be tested for this disease.



Considering the fact that the Helicobacter pylori disease, when unaddressed can lead to cancer, people must be aware of the symptoms.

Here’s a list of these:

  • Burning in the gut
  • Nausea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Increase in stomach pain when not eaten
  • Burping too much
  • Unexplained weight loss

Signs of stomach ulcers must not be neglected.

  • Vomit that looks bloody
  • Sever pain in the stomach
  • Inability to swallow
  • Blood like stool

A visit to the doctor on observing these signs can save many people from being gripped by the pangs of stomach cancer.

What to Maintain in Diet If You Have Chronic Gastritis

Gastritis is a condition that refers to the inflammation of stomach lining. People suffering from this condition should avoid certain foods to manage their symptoms and pain.

Gastritis can be chronic or acute – when it stays for a long time, the condition is said to be chronic; when the pain appears suddenly and severely but goes away with medication, it is called acute gastritis.

Abdominal pain, nausea, indigestion are some of the main signs of gastritis. Diet is a very important factor to maintain the digestive health and your overall well being for chronic gastritis treatment. Your provider will give you certain list of medications. To maintain the health and make you feel better, the following foods should be considered –

According to some people, the following drinks and foods have helped them to ease the symptoms –

  • low fat food such as lean meat fish or vegetables
  • high fibre foods vegetables, whole grains, beans, fruits
  • low acid content food such as vegetables and beans
  • caffeine-free drinks
  • non carbonated drinks

Studies found that probiotics is a very helpful product to maintain the gut health. It takes care of the concentration of helicobacter pylori which is a very common bad bacteria present in the digestive system that leads to gastritis or certain forms of ulcers. Probiotic foods such as kimchi, yoghurt, kombucha are commonly consumed by people.

Foods that you should avoid in a gastritis diet

Some people can have food allergies due to gastritis condition. It is very important to identify and avoid such to maintain the health. Generally what affects the stomach wall includes –

  • fatty foods
  • acidic foods
  • fried foods
  • alcohol
  • coffee
  • carbonated drinks

What to eat in gastritis diet when you have ulcer?

If you are undergoing chronic gastritis treatment, it is always wise to speak with your dietitian before actually creating a diet plan. Stomach ulcer happens if you are not treating gastritis timely. Also referred to as peptic ulcer, here also the condition will lead to severe abdominal pain if not treated.

The following foods are always allowed while you have stomach ulcers-

  • vegetable oils and olive oil
  • yogurt milk and low fat cheese
  • lentils, chickpeas, soybeans
  • lean meat
  • natural juices
  • leafy greens, spinach, carrot

There can be a number of reasons what leads to a condition like gastritis. Whatever it is, make sure to visit your medical provider to get rid of the condition. Pylo x is rich in a strain called pylopass that helps to fight the harmful helicobacter pylori bacteria in the gut and create a balanced stomach environment. To find out more about this food supplement that can help to treat conditions like ulcers and gastritis, visit

Natural Solution to Maintain Gut Balance

Suffering from bloating, diarrhea, IBS? You need a natural solution, a probiotic potanted with strains of L.reuteri. While more than 50% of the global population suffers from the complications of h.pylori stomach bacteria, you can get relief from the same with the use of Pylo-X. Gut health is extremely important to maintain the overall immunity balance of the body. Visit or call 833.550.6660 to know more.

Getting Stomach Ache? Check for Peptic Ulcer

More than 50% of the global population have Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), the microbe that is now studied to cause gastric complications and other diseases. However, the type of pylori infection has a lot to do with the geographic locations. In fact, studies show that the prevalence rate in adults is close to 80% and that in the industrialized nations, is about 20 to 50%.

The primary cause of peptic ulcer disease is attributed to the presence of H. pylori. Ulcers are sort of sores that form on the inner lining of the stomach. While for some people, the presence of H. pylori presence can be harmless, others might face severe health conditions.

The most common health disorders seen with ulceration includes but not limited to-

• Gastritis

This occurs when there is excessive accumulation of the bacteria and results in inflammation. Consumption of too much of alcohol, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and some already existing health complications can accelerate the rate of gastritis. Gnawing or burning pain in the upper abdomen, frequent nausea, indigestion, vomiting, or fever are some of the signs. Donot ignore any signs of stomach bleeding.

• Ulcers

Majority of the duodenal ulcers are a result of H. pylori. The mucous coating of the duodenum is infected and use of NSAIDs is also one of the contributing reasons. Abdominal pain, burning stomach pain, constant urge of burping, sense of bloating, heartburn, sense of nausea, frequent blood vomiting and unexplained weight loss are the symptoms you must not ignore. Take the advice of doctor to find out whether you need to take any special food supplement to cure the condition.

• Stomach Cancer

The H.pylori bacteria can lead to an increased risk of “non-cardia” stomach cancers. Anyone with the history of stomach cancer in the family are exposed to higher risk of the condition. Pernicious anemia (where there is lack in absorption of vitamin B12) is a risk factor for causing stomach cancer. Regular checkups are a must if you have conditions that are affect the duodenum.

Diagnosis of the condition

The initial complications in the ulceration can include the following signs:

  • feeling bloated
  • nausea
  • excessive burping
  • lack of appetite, or anorexia
  • heartburn
  • fever

Common tests for peptic ulcer examination –

Physical exam

The health provider checks the various signs of tenderness, bloating, or any kind of pain in the abdomen.

Blood test

Depending on the condition, you might have to take blood tests

Stool test

In this pathological test, a stool sample is sent to laboratory for analysis and depending on the result further medications and treatment will continue.


Endoscope is inserted into the mouth and scrolled down into the stomach and duodenum to get the image of the condition and is diagnosed accordingly.

To cure the condition, you might need to take the right supplement along with the balanced food. Get in touch with to find out about their supplement.

Do You Know the Importance of Gut Microbiome

Our body is full of bacteria fungi and viruses and they are collectively referred to as the microbiome. While some of these microbes have been associated with causing diseases which can be even fatal, others are extremely important for a healthy immune system.

Gut microbiome refers to the various microscopic living things inside intestine and stomach. Most of the microbes in the intestine live in a colony or pocket of large intestine which is referred to as cecum. While humans have evolved to live in a symbiotic relationship with these microbes for millions of years, it is important that even with a sea change in the lifestyle of human beings, this microbial balance is maintained as humans grow. The gut microbiome starts to diversify as we grow – higher the microbial diversity, better is the immunity. For instance, lactobacillus reuteri is a very common helpful bacteria that is found in the human gut and it affects the body positively with its presence.

Gut Microbiome

As human body grows, it sees a considerable microbiome growth and affects the body in many ways. Some common instance are discussed in the following part of the blog.

There are some other good bacteria that is housed in human body and helps in digesting fiber by producing short chain fatty acids. They are essential as fiber is important to prevent diabetes, help in maintaining the body weight, reduce risk of cancer and prevent cardiac diseases.

For digesting breast milk bifidobacterium is responsible and it helps in breaking down the healthy sugars in the breast milk. It is mostly found in babies.

There are some gut microbes that control the immune system. The variety of gut microbiome controls and improves the immune system by communicating with the immune cells. With a healthy gut, your body can respond to infection or any other form of foreign invasion efficiently.

The microbes also help controlling the brain health. There are recent research suggesting that gut microbiome has a direct relationship with the central nervous system and by extension the brain function. Understandably, it is important to follow a healthy gut microbial balance if you want to keep your health perfect.

How to improve and maintain the gut microbiome?

There are many supplements which has strains of lactobacillus reuteri. Apart from that, the following are the ways you can try to improve and maintain your gut health –

Eat a wide range of foods


Fruits with lots of fiber has too many health benefits. Chicory, garlic, Jerusalem artichoke, onions are some commonly found food that can be used to maintain and enhance the gut health.

Eat fermented foods

Eat fermented foods

Yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut are some of the most beneficial foods that contains fermentation. Did you know that fermented foods serve as a natural source of probiotics?

Limit artificial sweeteners

There has been lots of studies which shows that artificial sweetness can stimulate the unhealthy bacteria in gut such as enterobacteriaceae.

Try prebiotics

Prebiotics has been prescribed and advised by various health providers for those who suffer from gut health complications. Regular intake of probiotic and probiotic rich food can help in maintaining the immune system. Bananas, oats, asparagus and apples are some of the common probiotic rich fruits.

Foods rich in polyphenols


Polyphenols are plants compounds which is seen in the dark chocolate, whole grains, olive oil, red wine, green tea and more. Polyphenols help to break down the microbiome to stimulate healthy growth of bacteria. Vegetarian diets are recommended for people who have stomach inflammation and high cholesterol.

If you are looking for a natural solution for H.Pylori, get PYLO-X. It is rich in a special l-Reuteri strain that has been scientifically tested to help maintain the presence of H. pylori in the gut. Visit to find out more about the supplement.

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