Health issues and diagnosis of H. pylori

More than 50% of the global population are affected by Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) which causes them gastric complications and other diseases. However, the type of pylori infection differs from regions to regions; the prevalence rate in adults is about 80% while that of the industrialized nations, it is about 20 to 50%.

The primary cause of peptic ulcers is attributed to the presence of H. pylori. These ulcers are some sort of sores that form on the lining inside the stomach. While in some the H. pylori presence can be harmless, others might face serious health issues.

The most common health disorders seen with these microbes are as follows:

  • H. Pylori and Gastritis

Gastritis can occur due to H. pylori bacteria accumulation which initially starts with inflammation. Consumption of too much of alcohol, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and other existing conditions can accelerate the rate of gastritis. Signs include gnawing or burning pain in the upper abdomen, indigestion, frequent nausea, vomiting, or fever. In extreme scenarios, the stomach bleeding and cancer is also reported.

  • H. Pylori and Ulcers

Majority of the duodenal ulcers as well as the stomach ulcers are caused by H. pylori. In this, the mucous coating of the duodenum is infected and the stomach acid forms the ulcer. Use of NSAIDs is also one of the rare reasons for ulcer formation. Abdominal pain, burning stomach pain, frequent burping, sense of bloating, heartburn, nausea, blood vomiting and unexplained weight loss are symptoms you should be careful about. The strain from lactobacillus reuteri can help in curing the condition.

  • H. Pylori and Stomach Cancer

The bacteria are associated with an increased risk of “non-cardia” stomach cancers. The chances are higher if there is any history of stomach cancer in the family. Pernicious anemia (when the body fails to absorb vitamin B12) is a risk factor for causing stomach cancer. Regular checkups with your physician might help you understand whether the condition is because of the pylori.

Diagnosis of the condition

If you have suffered from any of the below listed complications, chances are your doctor will look for your medical history and the other diseases in the family. The complications are:

  • feeling bloated
  • nausea
  • excessive burping
  • heartburn
  • fever
  • lack of appetite, or anorexia

Make sure to tell your doctor of any medications you’re taking which also includes the list of vitamins or supplements. The most common tests and procedures used to diagnose are:

Physical exam

The health provider will examine for the signs of tenderness, bloating, or pain. They’ll check for if there’s any issue with the abdomen.

Blood test

Sometimes, the condition might be such when you have to go for blood tests to find out whether you need any supplements like Pylopass that contains antibodies against H. pylori.

Stool test

A stool sample is sent to laboratory for analysis and the result can reveal whether you will need supplement of lactobacillus reuteri. The diagnosis might include antibiotics and proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) before the test.

Breath test

In this, the patient is asked to swallow a preparation containing urea. If H. pylori bacteria are present, there will be an enzyme released which will help detect the condition.


Endoscope is inserted into the mouth and down into the stomach and duodenum. An attached camera sends back the image with the inside view. It’ll collect the necessary samples and get the condition diagnosed.

To cure the condition, doctors might use probiotics of which Lactobacillus is the most common one. The strains can help with diarrhea and generally does not have any side effects.

Published by pylopass

Pylo-X is a food supplement with a special l-Reuteri Potanted strain called Pylopass that is scientifically proven to manage the presence of h.pylori stomach bacteria. It also contains vitamin-E which helps in h.pylori treatment and helps in healing the ulcer. Today’s treatment of h.pylori is mainly dependent on antibiotic cocktail and anti-acids that often result in side effects like bloating, diarrhoea, osteoporosis, etc.

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